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COVID 19 Policies

The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing. 

Contracting a COVID-19 infection gives limited and brief immunity to the disease and does not prevent another infection.


Please do Not come to our office in person if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have COVID-19 symptoms. (Fever, sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, abdominal pain, loss of taste and smell, diarrhea, and vomiting).


Instead, call our office immediately and we will arrange an urgent appointment for you to speak to Dr. Kuo about because COVID medications work the best of taken within 5-7 days after onset of symptoms. 


Even if you have tested negative on the COVID rapid test, please do not come to the office if you have COVID-19 symptoms.


We request that ALL patients wear a N95 or surgical face mask when coming into our office.

Please do Not wear a cloth mask.


Please see the following video link on how to do a proper Rapid Test for COVID-19. Please swab the back of the throat, the insides of the mouth on both sides and both nostrils.


Please note that Rapid tests often have false negative results, so a negative test does not mean you do not have a COVID-19 infection.

If still symptomatic, please repeat the test 2-3 times  48 hours apart and contact our office for more information. 


For In office appointments, patient should wait in their car or in the lobby downstairs or outside the building, until we call you to come up to our office. 


For patients who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19, we will still see you in our office but to minimize the risk to you and others, we will be seeing these patients at the very end of the day when there is low chance of contact with other people. 

For more information about COVID-19 vaccines or Paxlovid please call our office and book an appointment to speak to Dr. Kuo in detail about this matter.

Office Policies

Responsibilities as a patient 


  • We strongly encourage you to use online booking whenever possible.

  • Please cancel appointments 24 hours in advance as we can always use that spot to help another patient.

  • For in office appointment, please arrive for the appointment on time. We are not always behind.

  • Update phone, address and emails whenever there is a change.

  • Seek health care from our office as much as possible and ask other health professionals and hospitals to send us your updated health records and visits.

  • For medication refills, please do not wait until the last minute to contact our office. Please note that pharmacists in B.C. are authorised to give patients refills of up to one month of their longstanding current medications. We do not usually give refills by fax or phone. 

  •  If you obtain a vaccination from a pharmacy, please ask them to fax us the date, the injection site, the lot number and expiry date of the vaccine.


Please be advised that fees may be charged for uninsured services including insurance forms and doctors notes. 

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